Sunday, January 11, 2009

More mindless blather...

After sleeping for what felt like 20 hours to recover from the New Year on Demand week, I got up on Saturday morning and ran some errands. I had to get some fish food for Angelina Jolie, my goldfish. I feed her and yet, she's always staring at me, wanting more. She's so creepy with those huge lips. Oh, I was referring to the actress that time. I know guys think she's sexy, but she just plain creeps me out. She looks like she had an allergic reaction to something. That's what happens to me when I eat kiwi or go around cats- my lips swell up like that. I figure if a cat ever force-feeds me a kiwi, I'm pretty much dead meat. At least I'll have the big honkin' lips for a while before the anaphylactic shock kicks in and kills me. If that happens, make sure I'm wearing my lipstick, would ya?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have an addiction

I'm not proud of this, but I think I need help...I'm addicted to You Tube. Seriously, I can spend hours on that damn website watching the stupidest videos, and I don't even realize how much time I've wasted! Is there a support group I can attend? YouTubers Anonymous or something? And the worst part of this addiction is, I like watching gross videos, like bot flies being pulled out of people's backs! Sick! Oh sure, I watch the occasional music video, but give me a sebaceous cyst being drained and I'm there baby!! Maybe I missed my calling as a dermatologist? I'm going to look into getting myself weaned off this terrible habit. In the meantime, please to enjoy one of my favorite videos...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Is it too early?

I want to start working on my Halloween costume..Aw, come on! It's almost February! I'm actually getting a late start this year! My sister called me once on July 4th and asked me what I was doing. I said I was listening to Christmas music and working on my Halloween costume...She scrambled to find two other family members who would sign the papers, but they must've been out of town for the holiday. I can't help it; I love Halloween. I look at ordinary objects and start wondering how I can turn them into something Halloween related. I've been making my own Halloween props and costumes for quite a few years now. I belong to a really cool website,, and that site has really inspired me. It's for true Halloween enthusiasts. If you're truly into Halloween, check it out. It might give you some ideas for your next costume, and I know it will definitely inspire you to start making your own props. There are some really talented crafters on there. I have my costume narrowed down to three choices, but I'll probably end up making all three. That's okay, because I always have friends calling me at the last minute asking if I have any costumes they can borrow. Amateurs....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Meet the family

This first picture is my daughter Rhiannon who came to the X-Mas Bash with me. This other pic is my boy, Zach, doing his best Angus Young impersonation. DOES THIS GUY ROCK OR WHAT? I raised both of my kids on heavy doses of rock and roll - Zach plays guitar and drums. Can you believe he was the homecoming king his senior year of high school? I think the chicks dig his hair - that's why they voted for him. Rhiannon is a singer in Nashville.